Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Time is the greatest treasure men can make use of. Although inconsumable, time is our best nourishment. With no measure I know, Time is like everything, our good with highest value. It has no begin, and no end. Rich is not the man who collects and weights himself in amounts of coins, nor those profligate person who lays hands and arms in wide fields. Rich is only man who learned, merciful and humble, to coexist with Time, approaching it with tenderness, not rebelling against its course, toasting rather with knowledge to receive its favors, but not its wrath. The equilibrium in life is essentially in its supreme good. And who knows for chance the rate to slow down or the amount of waiting that we should impinge on things, never takes the risk, when looking for them, of confronting yourself with what is not, for only the just measure of Time gives the just nature of things.

(Lavoura Arcaica, Raduan Nassar)
translated by LEo

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